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A Weird Tale Of My Life

My life took a start with dispair and a broken heart
But I didn't care much about the gloom
since the delivery was made by a clown
in our own livingroom
It was something that sure took me by surprise
and I'm still not sure if he was a clown
or a doctor in disguise

As life past on I was left feeling uncertain
like the old lady-neighbour
trying to pick up your conversations
from behind her curtain
But like my old dog Zeus used to say;
It's funnier to find a walrus in your bed
than a needle in the hay

So I made it worthwile with a glistering smile
as I turned my frown upside down
And you can't imagine the things that I have found
those years i walked around
with my head scraping the ground
So I guess my final conclusion is that existence is placid
when life is like watching The wizard of Oz on acid

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 179 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-12-22 01:32

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