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the perfect moment

It was late night and i was half asleep when he crawled into bed. He put his arms around me. I could feel his warmth on my back, and hes hands touching me on all the places i love to be touched. He kissed my neck and asked me if i was awake. "I am now" i said and smiled as his beard tickled my neck and shoulders. "i missed you today" he said and draged his big hand across my belly, to touch my breast. I didnt only hear his words, i could feel them too. He really had missed me that day and there is no greater feeling than being loved.

I turned around to see his face but the room was to dark, so i closed my eyes and let my other sences take over. His amazing smell, his warm touch, his soft lips, the taste of his skin, his heavy breating in my ear when he was on top of me. My entire body tickeling and shivering of desire. Falling asleep in his arms, his chest hair tickeling my face.

then waking up alone in the bed, like it was all a dream, a perfect dream.

Fri vers av cherryblossom
Läst 212 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-08 00:48

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  Andreas Widell
Ohh, LOVE IT!!! :O

Lagomt erotisk, mysig känsla över den! :'D

Och vet du, att vara den som kryper ner bredvid...
det är något man saknar i singel livet! haha.

Den där känslan när man vaknar dem där fem minutrarna före hon vaknar, doftar i hennes hår som luktar shampoo eller gårdagens hårspray, sen kyssa henne på nacken och stryka handen genom håret, sen kyssa henne på halsen tills hon vaknar med orden: "Åh snälla, låt mig sova" eller "mmm.. snart... godmorgon på dig också!" hehe...

ah det där är drömmen!

gillar den i alla fall! :D

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