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unstructured, still waiting.

ruthless deception
stains the innermost feelings.

youthful attraction
-if only for a moment.

shattered pieces,
fragments of time.
looses the biggest lies.
made in the sacred void
of your shadowpainted heart.

In a distant dream
I made insanity perplex.
Broke the deapest of deranged,
only to center
the universe
that revolves

around you.

In the mists of tomorrow¨
where broken hearts lye
i will always return..
stunned, dumbstruck and forever amazed.


always and forever, trapped
in your wounderous, poisonous
mind games.

Enlight me
illuminous, wonderous.
thrust me into life
again, deliberatly
to feel, be, breath.

Fri vers av Emy. H
Läst 257 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-13 00:59

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Emy. H