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Sitter och har funderingar

My text

People says that the pen is mightier then the sword.
I dont use a pen, but i have the same words.
The words to explain how i feel.
I´m letting my feelings steer my fingers.
And the i write so you can understand me.
So now i telling you my secrets.
I´m in love with myself, And im very carefull.
I want to share my love with someone.
Someone that needs a future.
Someone that needs that small apartment.
Were we can sit and enjoy each others company.
But all i can say now is.

"jag har äntligen fått viljan att försöka igen"

Fri vers av Joakim Lindvåg
Läst 271 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-02-14 06:02

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Joakim Lindvåg
Joakim Lindvåg