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The Machine

Is everything around you an illusion
a clouded systematic scheme?
Do you wake up with a fever
haunted by a childhood dream?
Can you see your own reflection
now that you're part of the machine?

Are you too afraid to sleep?
Are you aspiring salvation
or do you find yourself in too deep?
Too deep in the machine

Does the time you spend have value
as you're floating down the stream?
Are you wearing down your shoes in pride
following the same routine?
Are you proud of what you have become
while you're part of the machine?

Are you too afraid to sleep?
Are you aspiring salvation
or do you find yourself in too deep?
Too deep in the machine

Did you take the train inside yourself
to what you once wanted to be?
Do you stay here on the coastline
or do you linger in between?
Are you brave enough to free yourself
to break the chain of the machine?

Are you too afraid to sleep?
Are you aspiring salvation
or do you find yourself in too deep?
Too deep in the machine

Fri vers av tobias wedin
Läst 172 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-06 06:56

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