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Epic Poem

It was not hard
To chose the words
They where there all along

Echoing in my mind
I hear it over and over again
Silent words hunting my mind

Like water it floats in my soul
The words of a heart and mind
It lift me to an other stage of life

It gains speed and make my head insane
Gives me a headache and it hurts
If I freeze my thoughts it goes away

So my heart is talking and singing
A song of happiness and sorrow
As it always does somehow

I feel the rhythm in my body
My soul dance to it's lyrics
Feeling at ease and free

So epic of my life to be
A chapter of a boys world
The story that has an end

To see
To learn
To understand

I am
I am
I am me

I am epic in my life
Free in will and mind
And cursed by the Gods

Nights are restless and endless
Dreams comes and goes
Giving me a eye of the future

An epic saga of this life
That can be true or false
And it's not written

Came to be and came to be
To grow and be
Become my self to be

I believe in me and me
I see myself in the mirror
I am glad that it's me

Hero of dawn and dusk
With peace in heart
And a still mind

I listen
I watch
I speak

I am epic in my own way
I feel the tragedy of the world
I understand it's pain

I reach out my hand to the people in need
I want to do something right for all of us
I want to be remembered by people

I hear myself breath
I hear my heart beat
I hear my thoughts

I trust my friends
I trust my family
I trust my love

The sign I see I believe
The sign I don't understand
The sign I try to figger out

So life is what it is
It has always been
Untrusted by it's ways

Fri vers av Nightrhyme
Läst 154 gånger
Publicerad 2010-05-21 20:45

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