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Låttext jag skrev för något år sedan.

The book of love

This is the book
of all the feelings you took
with a genuine touch
oh, I loved you so much

I wrote down all the words
those that you never heard
just me and my pen
you made me love again

Just keep on reading
or I’ll stop breathing
don’t skip a page
or I’ll die at young age

You’re everything that I need
but you’re words made my heart bleed
I’ll love again
I’ll be all that you need

For every page that you read
you read a piece of my heart
we had the perfect start
now you tare me apart

Just keep on reading
or I’ll stop breathing
don’t skip a page
or I’ll die at young age

Just keep on reading
or I'll stop breathing
don’t skip a page
or I’ll die at young age

Fri vers av Vincent Darling
Läst 180 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-05 23:04

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Vincent Darling
Vincent Darling