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Conversations With God

The humble servant sat down on his knees and prayed:

Blackened my eyes of late have been, since someone forgot.
Shattered the dreams of ages become, I saw her every night.

I ask of you no penance, no mercy and no redemption for my soul!
I needn't any answer for any question, neither do you have to rewind!
I will not release any fury or vengeance for those who did me wrong!
I shall peacefully rest upon darkened ground so others may have the light!

For there is wishes in my mind, or wish I should say, to gaze upon her weary eyes once more. To see her naked beauty with her body exposed in the moonlight, pale as never before. To gently touch her and beg for love as my fingers explode. This my dying wish will be and if granted may death find me quickly, for I cannot live without this moment, nor can I stand it.

And God answered:

I hear thee, servant of the heart. Never have you questioned faith or faltered in life, never have you taken my name in vain or in other ways break the commandment of God. This may be the first time you ask me for a wish, but I cannot grant your wish for it is not real. Her body was never gazed upon with your eyes, you never touched or spoke to her. She is not real.

The servant, now filled with rage calmly answered:

Her name was Maggie, and the realness of her is more than you could ever grasp. If you cannot see this I pity you, for her beauty is truly divine. Maggie is REAL!

And with his last words the servant drove himself mad beyond repair, for Maggie is cunning. You think that you're safe? You are not. She is in your head, she's in your every thought, every time you dream she is there. You think that I'm lying? I'm not. You should fear her, for death or madness cannot spare you from her, neither can God.

Maggie is... I forgot.

Fri vers av THX1138
Läst 347 gånger
Publicerad 2010-08-24 01:12

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