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My life has been a trip in both heaven and hell and far to many misstakes have kissed my soul. Today I can honestly say that the


Time melts in my hands

like water sweeps thru my fingers

Sometimes i look in the mirror and think to my self


Faces changes all around me

But I remain the same

And when they stand stil

I move and change to make a differens to my own world

many beloved ones have said their last goodbye

I have'nt even said Hello, I love you

Dreams comes true and yes...

They change when you change

forfil every single dream before it changes

and walks away together with time

Hold on to it

Before it changes

Fri vers av Enno Taleb
Läst 241 gånger
Publicerad 2010-10-01 22:34

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Enno Taleb
Enno Taleb