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Skriven 3 okt 2010. Om Ny M.


I'm walking around in dark rooms,
I cannot find the switch
and thus not the key
to the door.

I follow your voice
afraid you're manipulating - playing,
like I'm just another pawn in
a game of chess,
you say; ”go D2 to D7”,
I obey.

I'm crashing,
I'm crashing right into you,
throwing myself ahead
without knowing what to do.

We're staring each other down;
without seeing - in the dark,
I can hear you breathing,
I can hear her breathing,
I can hear him breathing,
I whisper;
"chess, your move".

Fri vers (Fri form) av Carin
Läst 283 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-29 01:38

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