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Denna dikt handlar om att ja inte kännde mig själv i mitt förra förhållande, ja kännde mig fången av kärlek, o mitt blod längtade efter frihet

I Dreamt a dream about you my love

I Dreamt a dream about you my love,
it´s was us together living in a house near the city,
it was a unfamilior place to me,
but i didn´t care,
I was with the one i truly loved,
so i coudn´t be happier!,
but there was one thing there was wrong!,
i cant really understand was that feeling was yet today,

it felt like i had dreamt about it before?,
in some way it felt so wrong,
and yet so good,

do i really deserve to be this happy again?,
i don´t know,
my friends weren´t in my dream,
I usally dream about adventure and exitment,
but there in the dream is was only peace & hope of a bright future.

So why arent I yet happy that i dreamt that dream?,
but i think I know now atleast,
Is the way of choice i had chosen of my destiny,
but for some reasen it feels like i had made the wrong choice in this dream,
Becaous my blood long for adventure,
and yet in this dream it was no adventure at all,

It was only love and a bright future,
some people will think is all they wanted,
but what i crave of is adventure and traveling around this world!,
but the peace only comes after all my adventure,
becaous i had yet not seen all my dream,
it was only right in the middle of it,
becaous no one can remember how the beginnings begins.

Fri vers av Dendens
Läst 154 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-12-30 00:54

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