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Man bränner sig, det är så man lär sig.

En tanke

A moment of doubt makes my heart shiver in vain for what feels like a thousand seconds. A moment of action makes my heart light as if a weight of worries has been lifted from it. But the strain most ot those deciscions put on my body is like a shockwave sweeping through me. I lie couhing for air. and the only thing that shows that I contain no doubt is the wicked smile upon my face as I enjoy what ever pain or gain my actions have granted me.

The reason is simple, since I made that one move I deserve what ever comes at me, and there is no greater pleasure than to be the master of your own destiny, despite the pain it might bring you. you happily pay the price of bein your own master.

The pain of living your life is never in vain.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Nihtgenga
Läst 202 gånger
Publicerad 2011-01-09 01:53

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