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Indian girls

Indian girls

It was an early morning and it was a little bit cold, but the weather was clear. The Indian girl was going on very, very long walk to the mountain. She said good buy to the sisters and brothers, Mum and Dad. She said to them: Do not be sad I´ ll be back soon. I´ d never leave you alone she said to his sisters. “ Take care of Mum and Dad”.
She walked all day and all night. She slept outside under the sky. After a while she came to the mountain. She did not know what she was going to experience. The Indian girl started to climb up to the first cliff. When she got there she saw a very beautiful girl. Who was in the same situation.

The two girls were very shy. They looked at each other many times without to saying a word. The Indian girl Claudia broke the silence by saying: Hello my name is Claudia what ´s your name?

- Ah mmmy name, mmy nname is Kim. I´ m from the north of Sweden.
- Oh is it nice to live there?
- Yeah it´ s nice there. Where are you from?
- I´ m from northern Canada, it´ s nice there too. You can come with me, when I go back home later. I do not know what I´ m doing here.
- Oh it ´ s same for me. I do not know either. But it ´ s fun to meet you. You are so pretty.
- Thanks, well what happens now.
- I do not know. Shall we go to our camping place. We can talk more there.
- Yeah let´ s go back and start a fire.

The two girls talked whole night about everything but mostly about love.
The girls slept in each other´ s arms. What they dreamt they only know.
Claudia woke up at seven o´ clock. She started the fire. She also cooked a big salmon.

- Good morning Kim, it ´s morning, get up now, lazybones hihi get up please. You´ re missing a very beautiful sunrise.
- Yeah, yeah bla bla let me sleep I ´m tired. But ok, it ´s you so, I ´m coming. Oh wow: why did you wake me so late.
- I I´ ve made breakfast.
- Yeah you are good at cooking. I can ´t cook and it ´s boring. Oh wow, it ´s good, you are the best.
- Thanks I do all for you my friend. I must ask you something Kim, and you do not need answer if you do not want to.
- Ok
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- No I do not like boys I´ m more interested in girls. But I do not have a girlfriend either. And do you have a boyfriend?
- No I do not like boys either. I like girls too. But I´ ve never had a girlfriend. Is there really anybody who will love me?
- I like you very much. I´ ve only met you this week but I like you?
- Oh you are so nice to me Kim, I do not know what I ´ll do. But I like you to very much. Thank you.
- You´ re welcome. You are so nice and very cute too.
- So, will you come with me later to Canada?
- Yeah I will, it will be very interesting. Thanks.
- You´ re welcome. Yeah it will be nice to tell my parents about you. They will like you, I promise you that. Because I like you so very much.
- Hmm, I thinking, how long must we be here. It ´s a little boring to be here, but very nice to be with you.
- Yeah I agree. Shall we go home to Canada tomorrow? My parents will be glad to see me and you too I ´m sure of that.
- Yeah let´ s do that, it will be fine. I will meet your parents. But do you have any brothers or sisters.
- Yeah two sisters and three brothers.
- Ok nice. I have only a little brother.

The next day a helicopter comes to fetch them.

- Åh Claudia it ´s the first time I go by helicopter, and it ´s interesting and nice to see the ground from the sky. It ´s so nice. Thanks.
- Yeah I agree with you. It ´s only the second time for me, but it ´s nice to see the mountains from the sky. We are almost home.
- Right, it ´s beautiful, you are right, my little angel. Thanks for letting me been with you.
- You welcome. You are my little angel too. Of course you must stay here in north Canada with me. I like you very much. Please hold my hand.
- Certainly. Shall we go hand in hand to see your parents.
- Yes if you want to.
- Ok I want to. Look, it ´s suck a beautiful country, I can see the mountain. Oh wow. Can I kiss you?
- Yes I have waited for you to ask that. I´ m to shy to ask you. We must walk the last bit to my parents´ house. It ´s not so far. Almost half a km.
- Ok I´ m little nervous now. What if they don´ t like me even if you like me.
- Oh my little darling, you need not to be nervous. They are so nice. Take my hand and don´ t let go of it. I´ ll takes care of you. I promise they will like you, both my parents and my sisters or brothers. Don ´t be afraid. Come on it ´s only 200 m left.
- Ok I trust you, but I´ m afraid anyhow. Yes I´ ll hold your hand, I´ m a little afraid. Thanks. Let us walk a little faster.

The two girls went hand in hand and smiled the whole way to Claudia parents´ house. Claudia was right again her parents, sisters and brothers liked Kim just as much as Claudia.

Ten years later

Claudia and Kim 27 and 25 years old. They are married and have adopted 3 nice children. Kevin, Benjamin and Nikita are their names. They are from 2 to 6 years old. The whole family is so happy.

The end

Prosa (Novell) av whitewolf
Läst 239 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-24 10:50

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