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En åtta år gammal text om återhämtande från en gammal kärlek. Som är ett bra bränsle för kreativt skrivande!

Lost in interpretation

Burn the past and embrace the future
Bury the mistakes and evil thoughts
Cover the errors and forget about them all
Become your dreams and hopes
Live, and stay alive, cherish
That might be the right way to ultimate bliss.

Challenge yourself, become your enemy
Stand up and fight
The ultimate battle in your head, and win
Behold the slaughtered body
That might be the right way to ultimate bliss.

Starve your anxiety and kill your fears
End the hunt for endless love
The more you search, the less you will find
Surrender and accept.
Give in
That might be the right way to ultimate bliss

Give yourself to the mercy off illumination.
See without looking, Hear without listening
Feel the core, the essence
It’s what you always wanted
Craved for
That might be the right way to ultimate bliss

Fri vers av Messiah
Läst 98 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-03-09 18:51

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