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Alone In My Own Insanity

burn alive
in this
cage of
pillow walls
hug shirt
takes you in
sanity leaves
as the cold flames rise
through below
hollow in stare
rapidly it slows

fuck, can´t find it clear
insanity so pure in here
alone with the selfdestructive dreams
left alone to be mad by answering my own screams
fuck, can´t find it clean
hate this life from what it´ll never be
sentenced to this cell of lost dreams
stuck to always be alone and lost in my iwn insanity

burning asleep
death will
cure my
focused negativity
hug shirt
holds you in dream
while sanity leaves
with your present screams

as the cold flames rise
through below
hollow in stare
rapidly it slows
as them closing in
the choking walls

fuck, can´t find it clear
insanity so pure in here
alone with the selfdestructive dreams
left alone to be mad by answering my own screams
fuck, can´t find it clean
hate this life from what it´ll never be
sentenced to this cell of lost dreams
stuck to always be alone and lost in my iwn insanity

alone and lost
in my own
alone and lost
in my own
alone and lost
in my own

here in the chaos
i´m damned to
always be
pushed down
to the deep
far from what
the eye can see
alone and lost
in my own

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 208 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-26 12:32

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