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The Forsaken Path of Insight

Ain't this world a rotten place
I can't see the beauty in it
Not in this world or in life
Neither of them is worth a thing

A path of burned trees and blood
We avoid it best we can
Colouring the landscape with terror and death
Yet valuating our life above anything else

Everything is destroying itself
Slowly but sure everything burns
Some desperately try to safe their illusions
While others walk the path and watch

Death awaits us all
Either we walk on the path or not
But that forsaken path of insight leads
Slaundering our way towards suicide

Seeing this world in all its gruesome glory
Wandering through it is a horrid task
We walk to where the grievous path ends
From there we throw ourselves into nothingness

Fri vers av Ariana Vos
Läst 137 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-14 18:31

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    Erik Bergqvist
Den som ser världen ser ett lik. Men hon är då redan större än världen. Och då finns det ju mer :)
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Ariana Vos
Ariana Vos