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She say

So far from anything

So far from day and night
so far from anything
I still can feel your lips
when you near me whispering.

"You are my true and only lover
and we have seasons in our hand
but there is something more I´m locking for...
so let me find the bridge to land."

I still can hear my breathing,
and I still can hear your say...


a dark and lonely engel
took my breath away.

So far from anything
so close to sun and light,
an angel with her wings...
so black and dark

So far from day and night
so far from anything
I still can feel your lips
when you near me whispering.


I´m leaving you...

Prosa av JIJA
Läst 149 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-15 23:31

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