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A Wish Of Guidence From The Unborn

lost inside a maze of doubts
silence shuts my desperate shouts
what does it want of me
when i´m still stuck lost inside,
where i can never be free

help me understand what it try to say
help me to comfort it while it is afraid
help me guide it right and not from the book of lies
so we both can smile and point the finger,
up to the tyrant in the sky

let me help it through it´s coming maze
as i hope it will help me complete my race
so we both can fulfill our missions in life
as i got trouble to see beyond the questions in it´s invisible eyes

help me understand what it try to say
help me to comfort it while it is afraid
help me guide it right and not from the book of lies
so we both can smile and point the finger,
up to the tyrant in the sky

a wish of guidence from the unborn
so it can help me and i can help the one´s coming
so we both can complete ourselves and carry on
and not so we both drags down in the deep to slowly be drowning

help me understand what it try to say
help me to comfort it while it is afraid
help me guide it right and not from the book of lies
so we both can smile and point the finger,
up to the tyrant in the sky

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 186 gånger
Publicerad 2012-05-31 02:15

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