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Before I can die I must tell mommy that it's okay

It wasn't a joke
Like I thought it was
It was an order
Clothes off

The floor is cold
The door is closed
When I find the courage
I'll open it and leave

I'll have bruises
But it doesn't hurt
It's so disgusting
They took me mommy

Every sound is subdued
I feel numb
Laying on the floor
I don't want to get up

Right now I could die
But I got to go home
Tell mommy it's okay
First then I can die

I'm sorry mommy
But I don't want to live
They scared me so much
And I don't dare to sleep

Fri vers av Ariana Vos
Läst 133 gånger
Publicerad 2012-06-18 18:06

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Ariana Vos
Ariana Vos