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experimentiell "progressiv" vokalist samspel, negativ filosofi, mörker, panik, ångest, mentalt plågande kaos i harmonisk tortyr, (hittils fortfarande en osläppt låt från mitt musik solo projekt)


vers - female vocals

walking in to the maze of endless
going lost past the line where darkness breaks in
facing fear on the path that´s faceless
keeps you paralyzed by the horror that lies within

(chorus) - ( dialog skiftning kör vs "the fallen" )

( choir )
the demons calls your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
what the fuck do you want from me
( choir )
the demons demands your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
for what cause while my soul only bleeds
( choir )
the demons calls your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
my time is almost over when the day is over for the sinking sun
( choir )
the demons demands your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
for fuck, please say the answer as my time is about to be gone

( Demonic growl ) ...the clock is ticking

vers - female vocals

walking deeper in to the maze
that still keeps me lost in here
can´t find the answers
as i´m drown into my own fear
can´t find out from the maze of endless
soon your fate shall be settled by the faceless

(chorus) - ( dialog skiftning kör vs "the fallen" )

( choir )
the demons calls your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
what the fuck do you want from me
( choir )
the demons demands your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
for what cause while my soul only bleeds
( choir )
the demons calls your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
my time is almost over when the day is over for the sinking sun
( choir )
the demons demands your name oh fallen
( the fallen )
for fuck, please say the answer as my time is about to be gone

( Demonic growl ) ...the clock is ticking

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-30 02:34

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