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ännu en del som hör ihop till konceptet från texten "still keeps me lost" kom gärna med kritik / synpunkter


( the fallen )
alone, i am lost
rejected, denied salvation
left to the holocaust
the chosen to pay the price
for mankinds own damnation

( the fallen )
in pain
i am suffer
in pain
denied a cure
as the nightmare remain
if you wanna
feel this pain
you´ll then have a reason
to call yourself insane

( the fallen )
release my shattered soul
from this life
lay me down under the stars
that embrace me
in to the endless night
reach out your hand
so i can come
with its´ shine
so sweet and bright
don´t left me here
just as another one
that´s souls is denied

( the fallen )
no... no.... nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
don´t go away
i need you as i obey
i need your hand
that´s my wish to you

( inner demon )
and the hour glass
runs out of sand
and the dark are closing in

( female "siren" inner voice )
if your wish
shall be granted in time
soon you´ll know for sure

( the fallen )
please can you say the question
so i know what answer i have to find
before you go

( female "siren" inner voice )
soon my fallen soon

( the fallen )
please don´t just say this
please don´t...

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 176 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-14 04:01

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