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psykologisk skräck, panik ångest attack, psykisk sjukdom, hjärnspöken, inre demoner, mörker, negativ poesi, and the list continues....


another sleepless night
the moon is shining bright
the wolfs howl up to the sky
and fear appears behind my hollow eyes

paralyzed by them gazing glow
for what fear to come it show
fills my pledging for mercy to suffocate
as the demons inside my head awakes

the silent screams
echoes louder inside
no one can ever understand what it means
as i now breathless and weak wish to die

staring out in the reflection of emptiness
silence embracing my frightened visions i try to see
hope for peace in mind has since long been slayed
paralyzed, panicing, stuck in myself...
as i gets harder and harder to breath

mmh mhm mhmmm mmgh ghh ghhhh ghaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

the silent screams
echoes louder inside
no one can ever understand what it means
as i now breathless and weak wish to die

harder it gets to catch yet another breath
panicing, paralyzed by fear and grief
unworthy to live my head it feeds
panicing again as i have harder and harder to breath

mmh mhm mhmmm mmgh ghh ghhhh ghaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 183 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-14 04:06

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