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sångtext från mitt musik solo projekt moonlight funeral , finns en slask inspelning utlagd på youtube för den som vill lyssna


the voice of a lost crying child
breaking down my own needs
i´m lost what should i do this time
i need the silent voice to be free

in my neverending search
how many mistakes i know i´m surely do
in this place of misery that´s my defination of "church"
without walls and cross just in a fading spot from a hiding moon

the scars in my mind and soul
the wasn´t meant to ever be healed
just existing in a reminding silence
to at last make my blurry vision be revealed

the anxious silent scream of suffering and fear
the way just getting longer all the time
time is running faster i feel the end is coming near
as i still maybe understand that i have to end,
my own existence to be cured in my destroyed mind

as the silent voice inside desperate crying out:
the words, can you help me no one else can do
i close my eyes try to ignore
finally screaming what the fuck do you want me to do

as a sweeping harmonic sound rise in a distand beyond
just follow me i´ll guide you to find what you seek
can´t focus from where so i know where to turn
just keep me stuck confused as the silent darkness surrounds me

crying, i don´t got any strenght left
please i´m tired and i think i´m never is able
to find a cure from this curse
and my safe place inside myself
just for a moment ago dismissed and left a picture on the table

all i can see is a decayed image of a cradle
and nothing more as help
is the answer the final rest?
silence is my answer and time is getting late

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 172 gånger
Publicerad 2012-07-14 04:11

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