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Inspirerad från David Bowie låten Saviour machine

Dear World, I want you back

Dear World
I'm doing something illegal
I'm being creative
Expressing emotion

Dear World
I'm tired of this
I want your answer
Not the Saviour Machine's

Dear World
I want to express myself
But I'd be punished
The Saviour machine said no

Dear World
You've turned so ugly
Where are your colors
You're black and white

Dear World
Emotion isn't logic
The Saviour Machine is logic
Emotion was banished

Dear World
Happiness is an emotion
No being happy makes me sad
I sense a problem

Dear World
I want insanity and emotion
I want to destroy something perfect
In order to make it beautiful

Fri vers av Ariana Vos
Läst 214 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-09 11:40

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Ariana Vos
Ariana Vos