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livs filosofi


infected with the disease of life
in the end of the tunnel
there is no light
after life, there is no paradise
so the truth is,
there isn´t any salvation on the other side
so the law of the bible was only lies
and death is our cure
from the disease of life

free me from my cell
at where i´m chained
take me away from this life in hell
the desire to my own death,
is that a reason to be called insane?

infected with the disease of life
none of us infected shall survive
the existence of man will be vanished from time
the existence of hell is true
because i´m still alive
passing over in to the darkness to find
peace in the invincible light
but in the end there is only 1 thing
that can´t be denied
is that everything that´s brought to life
has been infected with the disease of life

free me from my cell
at where i´m chained
take me away from this life in hell
the desire to my own death,
is that a reason to be called insane?

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 150 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-10 13:44

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