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poetisk "erotik" eller vad man nu ska kalla det


as i close my eyes
flowing on the waves
of an euphoric touch

while i´m getting clean
from rainbow tears joyful cries
smiling at the angel dreamscape meadow
climbing the ladder
at the jewel dressed throne

relaxing at the bath of harmony
victorious at the roulette
to dreams surprisingly
winning every price,
while your every wish
shall be granted
and YOU are the reason
why your demons feels that they´re haunted

as i open my eyes
massage my sences
with a nudge of awareness

while the angel pleasing my mind
with the peace to my soul
I in here DID find
looking down at the angel
that´s down on her knees
granting all my dreams and wishes
that forever born as new in me

the angel of dreams
are the paradise
in what its definition means
as she looks up and ask
what my next wish are
while she´s down on her knees
as this all gaves my dreams a new birth again
and the next un-numbered wishes rise again
with the dawn that sneaks up
behind the rainbow alley i can see

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 182 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-10 13:49

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