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Can anyone erase what's in my thoughts

staring out to the cold white
as a nightmare is about to come
so fast as it repeats in my dreams at night
and this moment i have to carry alone

Can anyone erase what's in my thoughts
as i'm to weak to stand them myself right now
Can anyone erase what's in my thoughts
as my hope submerged to the place below

reflections of a memory of what once was
as none was there so none can feel what i do
...from what i saw in the past
this dreams that repeadily came back at night
from what i saw when i was staring out to the cold white

can anyone erase what's in my thoughts
as i'm to weak to stand them myself right now
Can anyone erase what's in my thoughts
as my hope submerged to the place below

maybe it was a sign
to the fate of myself i had to find
maybe it was the begining to where i comes to be
..at this lonely day

please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away

maybe it was a vision to my own end
that i´ve been close to way too many days my friend

please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away

please as i don´t feel safe
while the dreams keeps my counsiousness afraid
all i can hear from the voice in my head
that in time eveything will be too late

please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away
please can anyone help me take this dreams away

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 259 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-08-22 03:51

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