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When you want something to much


I walk around and
Carry my Angel
But this is not for real

I walk around and hope
But the risk is very little
And the time hasn't come

I ask for tunnel vision
And impaired

But the games run in front
of me
And the laughter echoes
in my ears

I walk around and
Carry my Angel
But this is my imagination

I walk around
And ask for
The time to stop
and move faster

But it´s just me taking
Stepless steps

Thinging about the beginning
And the end
But I´m stuck in the middle
I can´t take my self back
or to the further

Fri vers (Prosapoesi) av Miich
Läst 226 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-04 15:08

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