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depression, ångest, självmords tankar, psykisk ohälsa osv osv......

My Final Goodbye

alone, frozen
and the suffering didn't end
to loneliness i was chosen
emptiness embraced me as its´ only friend

silence...! the demons surrunds inside
the dark drowns my will to stay alive
as my thoughts is focused on how to die
and the end to it all is shown as my only signs

so long, i have kept pushing forth
through this pain that now have became to be too much to take
as i can ses all so clearly now that my life isn't even worth
so to stay in life and find a cure is now too late

wonder, drowning in my thoughts
hope you all can forgive me
of what yet to came
my strenght to stay in life is lost
and death is the salvation from the pain that never leave
as i´m on my way to entering the slumber
in the age during the sleeping sun

don´t fell your tears of grief
for the loss of me near you again
as now soon emptiness shall embrace what´s left of me
and the demons inside shall be shut to be sealed
in a frozen cage of silence that forever will remain

as the light fades
and the night i shall enter this last day in life
as the stars watching over my lost soul from a tragic past
that time will tell when the bells chaim
the funeral hymn in my final goodbye

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 206 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-09 22:48

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  Annika Persson
I said final count down
that's life
to endure loneliness
if that's your choice


  Annika Persson

silence - wanting the surrounding
to be quiet, to be alone, in piece,
not in pieces, the only friend can
be the closest one, yourself, or
a loving person, still you have
that need to be lonely to fulfill
the lack of just ordinary living,
house, villa, dog, house for the dog,
children, the is more exciting to
either escape from or to take
as a sporn for writers.

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