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the title says it all

Lost, Alone and afraid

in suffering... i am in suffering
sentenced to a curse not from this earth
in pain I am suffering
wish for death to be free from the demons that still can be heard

tormented with a torture in my head
dreams of death the demons fed
my visions too unearthly to even be said
the only peace from this world comes when i´m dead

screams drowned to burn through tears lost since ages away
lost alone in darkened place afraid
as i feel my flame of hope slowly fade
as i guess the memory of me may in time decay

the only cure denied for a reason never told
my reason to live may not be old
as i´m still freezing out in the cold
as i was my own curse damned through a sentence...
before my own birth was foretold

as i only shall be free from this spell when i´m dead
I doubt you want to listen,
from what the demons whispers in my head
still my flame of life slowly decays
as the dark comes draws closer day by day,
as this still keeps me lost alone and afraid

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 178 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-31 09:55

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  Annika Persson
the demons of who you are,
the shadows of yourself,
a construction from the world,
or a construction of the soul,

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