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another depressive one

Lost inside the maze of endless questions

woke up in an unknown place
where i can see glowing eyes from a shapeless face
it says :welcome to enter the mightiest dream of all
as i step right through in that was my answer to its call

walking round in circles
lost where noone to ask could ever be found
inside myself the flames of hope fade in its´ weakening burn
deeper inside this ocean of questions i slowly drown

please can someone come and take my hand
guide me out from this haunted land
as the demons unable to make me see
destroys my strenght to carry on inside what once was me

as this maze leads me deeper inside
past the point of no return
alone by myself where nobody comforts my painfilld cry
while the cold emptiness is the fire here where i´ll slowly burns

please can someone come and take my hand
guide me out from this haunted land
as the demons unable to make me see
destroys my strenght to carry on inside what once was me

lost, alone, scared and confused
the last chance to get help has already been used
as the dark drowns my hope of once be free in my own mind
while i slowly gets choked by the hands that keeps my eyes still blind

please help me as i´m lost in here
please help me as i´m alone by myself
please help me as i´m under the surface to drown in my own worst fear
please help me as i´m still trapped here in something you might could call hell

please can someone come and take my hand
guide me out from this haunted land
as the demons unable to make me see
destroys my strenght to carry on inside what once was me

are you afraid?
are you alone?
still running in circles?
do you search for the light?
do you wanna know the way out?
are you scared of the endless night?
hurry as the dark is coming closer, the faster you run...
hurry...hurry...hurry...as time is fading...

( tormented screams )

please can someone come and take my hand
guide me out from this haunted land
as the demons unable to make me see
destroys my strenght to carry on inside what once was me

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 189 gånger
Publicerad 2012-11-15 02:17

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