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philosophical / poetic / depressive

The Dark Age Of Frozen Slumber

the safe-place of harmony to life
was bursting out into flames this night
mercy and salvation was only words
now is it your own damnation the only,
that could be heard

isolated inside
the infinity under the darkened sky
isolated inside

as the existence of the human civilisation
would remain as frozen statues
during the age under a sleeping sun
as the earth turned into a monument of ice

and we all stood there
staring and hoped that the sun
would shine again down on us here
but we all was sentenced to be disapointed
from what that have become to be
staring eyes in a frozen age
awaken in a slumber for all eternity

the human existence to life has been damned
the dark age of frozen slumber
was the fall to the age of man

isolated inside
the infinity under the darkened sky
isolated inside

as the existence of the human civilisation
would remain as frozen statues
during the age under a sleeping sun
as the earth turned into a monument of ice

the human existence to life has been damned
the dark age of frozen slumber
was the fall to the age of man

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Publicerad 2012-11-15 02:19

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