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just a lyric written by me


you my angel
that shines with your absence
i the demon
that smells death from my face

visions of past memories
keeps me up at night
bad dreams from another reality
blinding my every sight to light

you my saviour
that embrace with safety
i the destroyer
wrecks everything beyond insanity

visions of past memories
keeps me up at night
bad dreams from another reality
blinding my every sight to light

me, myself, I
another form or word for what demon i am
needs you my angel in this night
before i´ve paralyzed my sences
of ever feel the blessing from your hand

i have destroyed the purpose of what was to be
i have destroyed the meaning of life for me
i have destroyed the purpose of what was to be
i have destroyed the meaning of life for me

visions of past memories
keeps me up at night
bad dreams from another reality
blinding my every sight to light

visions of past memories
keeps me up at night
bad dreams from another reality
blinding my every sight to light

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Fimp
Läst 273 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-17 15:40

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