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En liten text om det mörka inom oss som så gärna styr vad vi gör och tänker på och mörklägger en hel del av det vackra.


It's often the kid without friends who has the most insanity stored in his mind.
Rewind – I'm often the kid without friends, with the most insanity stored in my mind.
To my demons I am most kind.
Thanks to them I can proudly present me and my face without ever showing it to anyone but myself. You may think you see me and remember this face I wear on the top of my neck. But you've seen nothing as I’m wearing this burden I'd like to call a mask. Check.
Can I take it off? - No.
I will become Mask-less.. Faceless, it's like if I were to strip down and undress. Flare a signal of distress as I caress my knees wailing back and forth – Breathing heavily from the thought of the stress brought by feeling depressed.
But nevertheless the morning paper press will obsess about something else..
So I rise up and grab my good looking dress, ready to impress my demons yet another day.
The wool of my clothing becomes metal.
One button at the time, tie my shoes and promise myself “today I will make some progress”.
I wear it like armor. It protects me from harm and - other things. Scary things.
The ghost that haunts me shows the way I take, and I take it - still walking with a smile.
Because if my smile were ever to ever disappear then I've dropped my sword.
And there's no 'take backs'.
The thing about wearing metal instead of wool is that it's super heavy and drags me down like the sky and I are of opposite pull. Gravity is like the big heavy kid, bullying me in middle school.

- Ah, the memories!

Head first, facing down in the toilet bowl..
I gasp for air as I snap out and remember I’m just splashing my face with water.
I hit the switch, turning the light off in my bathroom.
I'm not scared of Bloody Mary,
I shout out loud Beetle juice, Beetle juice, Beetle juice,
with my arms wide open prepared to hug the devil and ask him to take the demons back..

Fri vers (Spoken word/Slam) av Åvald Norén
Läst 278 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-05-27 16:01

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Åvald Norén
Åvald Norén