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I remember this one time. We were sitting in my room.
The lights were dim. Hand in hand in the silence we made.
So close together you could almost hear our hearts syncronize with each other
and beat for us and everything we've built.
And with the smile that could melt the Arctic
You melted my ice cold heart
And you held me through the night and made me feel again
just for that moment, I felt safe
That was before the distance. Before the parting
Before the leaving and before the next lunar month
Together we sat there, in silence, breathing the same air
With our hearts in each others hands
Where mine were supposed to be.
I was home.

The starry skies shone for us,
just like the sun went up the next day and turned everything to gold
Just for us
The wind whispered every word I wrote for you
And the rain outside my window sang our song
but the warmth of your skin was nothing but an illusion
The beating of hearts was mine.
And the air we shared were always mine
But you were gone.
and you left with my broken heart
You took it somewhere safe,
where nothing could hurt it but you
Right where it was supposed to be.

Fri vers av Sivrok
Läst 158 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2013-09-27 19:29

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