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Inspiration (Engelska)

Life goes on
I know that you know that
But let me tell you that you need to stay strong
Don't give up easy and be weak, just go on

Be like water in the river, if you'r stuck try to gain yourself power and wisdom
Claimb up and kill them, win them and prove them

Who are they saying you won't or can't?
Be a man keep your head up and listen to your voice
Believe me because sometimes that is your only chooise, and never lose Hope cus you will end up broke

All I'm trying to say to you is sometimes in life, in some moments you really have nothing to lose... but Fear.

Fri vers (Fri form) av ThugLife
Läst 269 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-20 03:58

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