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Happy Wings


I want to be a Queen
to give You everything...

But heaven ALWAYS blue
I couldn't give to You...
and roses full of spring
I couldn't find,I swear,
in February cold Sweden,
even if a Queen I were...
I want to give You rain
and rainbow after that,
which comes behind the pane
of your own Stockholm flat...
but even if I had
the power of the Kings
I couldn't give to You
a pair of Happy Wings...
so You could fly away
to Northern Star,
from pain and sorrow
indistinctly far...

I want to be a God
to give You all You want...

But friends,faithful and true,
I can't provide for You...
and fans always in love
I couldn't find,I swear,
on this capricious Earth,
even if the God I were...
I want to give You fame
and audience which knows
Your music and Your name,
which greets You with applause..
but even if to be
the Lord of Magic Rings
I couldn't give to You
a pair of Happy Wings...
so You could fly away
to Northern Star,
from pain and sorrow
indistinctly far...

Bunden vers (Rim) av MetteGulin
Läst 199 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-17 10:57

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