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a liberal translation from D'Annunzio poem

Drops of Freshness

Be silent now
And just observe
The drops of the rain
In the sky, on the Earth...
They are falling like stars
And they die...
What a shame!
They don’t know...
To properly fly...

It’s not fair!!!!!
It rains cats and dogs
Here and there,
All my window's in spots,
Splashes have covered the pane,
I’ve sketched with my finger your face,
But it vanished again
In the haze...

The freshness in you,
In me, in drops, in leaves
And in flowers and trees lives...
In the April wind and in dew,
In our dreams,
Old and new,
And in butterflies...

In your smiling eyes,
In the mess,
On your wet summer shirt,
Made of flax,
In arms, hair, shoulders, legs

The fabulous

Drops do lie,
Like the stars in the sky,
Of billions of atoms they are-
Here, near, there, far...
In your voice
Drops of freshness rejoice,
In my verse...
Everywhere in the Universe...
In our bones...
Drops of freshness remain
In a birch, in a pine,
In your music
In the rain...

Bunden vers (Rim) av MetteGulin
Läst 194 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-17 11:01

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