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"I’m praying that today is your day for open doors! Confess, “I will seize evry opportunity God gives me for success!” (Rev 3:7)" Taffi Dollar

"See! I have set before you a door wide open... " Rev 3:8

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"And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts and no one shall open:
I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name.
Take note! I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and learn and acknowledge that I have loved you.
Because you have guarded and kept My word of patient endurance [have held fast the [b]lesson of My patience with the [c]expectant endurance that I give you], I also will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial (testing) which is coming on the whole world to try those who dwell upon the earth.
I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one may rob you and deprive you of your crown." Revelation 3:7-11

Fri vers av Ess VIP
Läst 180 gånger
Publicerad 2014-03-19 14:30

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