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The bombs in my mind

they are reaching with claws.
The pressure's building behind the walls.
They're crawling beneath the stair.
Reaching for my long hair.

But it's all in my mind. So please, keep quiet for now.
The walls are creaking, so they're all fleeing.

Have to relive the pressure, there's just no measure.
So i pick up my sword, just close my eyes and draw.
I draw the line, so it stings but now it's all fine.
See, now the demons are flying, the good guys' surviving.

Then patch it in, stop lingering.
Just hide the pain until it goes away.
All that will be left is a mark.
But not made by, like, a shark.
No, you see it's a subtle line, drawn by the mile.
Like closed eyes, not seeing the skies.

Fading away, starting to decay.
Never gone, see the war isn't won.
The bombs keep falling, so keep on crawling.
You find a way, so you wont fade away.

But the war isn't won.

It has only just begun.

Fri vers av Islingr
Läst 150 gånger
Publicerad 2014-06-07 15:40

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