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Rimmande poesi på främmande språk

Paniken då du och jag blev vi

Hands might be shaking but my feet stand strong
Eyes might be flickering but be sure, there’s nothing wrong

My hand, firmly grasping yours
As we enter, through these hallowed doors.

Not quite out of this world, I but surely doesn’t belong
But when i’m with you, I can just walk along

Was only dipping my toes but got caught in your tide
Since then, I find it hard to leave your side

Since then i’ve had eons of time to think,
Analyzing all, in just one blink.

You move so much faster
I fear, this will end in disaster.

And there’s a weight in my throat
Because to you, I my life devote

I might feel naked and frozen
But also warm, and chosen

Bunden vers (Rim) av Islingr
Läst 178 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-12 22:26

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