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You Made Me Smile

I'm looking out through the window with my cigarette,
and I see the light wash over the morning rise.
You're still in bed sleeping, that's allright.
I can't move, you look so beautiful.

I've wandered eighteen years and I've been waiting,
I've been waiting for someone like you.
You made me smile, you hold me as I feel alive,
you gave me everything I've ever wanted in life.
As I look into your eyes, you're late for class and passing by, I forget to breathe.
You're an angel, so what the hell did you ever do with a devil, like me?
But I can't forget, you made me smile.

I'm in bed with tears in my eyes and music in my ears,
the sun is setting down.
I'm laying frustrated in my room in this fucking town.
I want to talk to you, baby, but I know you're late for class again.
You made me smile.
Now you make me cry.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Cevin Keri
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-08-31 21:42

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Cevin Keri
Cevin Keri