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Så här på valdagen, kanske påminna om att bjuda till till de som har svårt och visa solidaritet. Då växer vi alla


Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Welcome to this land
Welcome welcome
Glad that you are here
Nice to have you near
Holding out my hand
Welcome welcome
Happy that you came
Hope you feel the same

I know that'll be amazing
Hardship and pleasure facing
Tomorrow's future embrassing
It's true what it's said
Solve challenge ahead
together one voice we're raising
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la

Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Welcome to my place
Welcome welcome
Glad that you stepped by
The time with friends just fly
No sadness in the face
Welcome welcome
If the storm outside will roam
Always welcome to this home.

I know that'll be amazing
Hardship and pleasure facing
Tomorrow's future embrassing
It's true what it's said
Solve challenge ahead
together one voice we're raising
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la

Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la
Welcome and step in
Welcome welcome
When outside is a storm
Step inside and you be warm
We would like to see you win
So welcome welcome
We will help you in your deed.
and cheer when you succeed.

I know that'll be amazing
Hardship and pleasure facing
Tomorrow's future embrassing
It's true what it's said
Solve challenge ahead
together one voice we're raising
Leila lao leila lao leila lao la

Bunden vers av Knickedick
Läst 379 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-14 16:04

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