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Suicide note from heaven

You raped my soul
You crushed my heart
You fucked up my head
You beheaded me
You skinned my body
You tore limbs from fleash
You pored salt on my skinnless body
You kicked me while i was down
Cheapshots everyday
Until i said no
Then you chickend out
Ran like the whore you are
Left me alone to die
Left me filled with rage
Left me with questions
You to afraid to answer
To all who gave a shit
Thank her for my demise
For the black heart in my body
Send her my regards
Hope the whore is happy
All i ser is darkness
No way out but blackend sleep
Good night world
Good night history
Hello underworld
Hello dead begingings

Fri vers av G.Host
Läst 126 gånger
Publicerad 2014-09-16 09:51

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