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Bild av Igor Skalensky


Reality slips and
Our demons are
pulling our pockets for treasures
We sold for a greater soul,
as millionaires
We live as to never die
and wishes
We thought
We had
were all granted with
promises to become what
We finally are
will mistakes be
by experience
self taught elegance
or from higher power growing
In us
To love,
be in love
what of those will be the bargain
We can wish
to be loved eternally
until it will finally
be enough
just to love
and be loved by
for what slips the hole in
Your pocket
Your demons cant pull out
and you will
confront the hole in you
Which stole from you
a meeting with
that demon
You needed to fall
In love

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av rikacheeks
Läst 275 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-15 12:11

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