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All that my heart ever wanted close

You held my heart
in your open hands.
But you fell apart
and I didn’t understand.

You were my light.
At night you shined so bright.
But the dark made you cold
and filled your lungs with snow.

And I didn’t understand.
I still don’t understand.

Now you’re gone for good
and I don’t know what to do,
but I wish you well
because you’ve already been through hell.

You were my light.
At night you shined so bright.
But the dark held you close
and filled your heart with coal.

And I saw you cry.
I still see you cry.

Now you’re gone for good
and I don’t know what to do,
but I wish you well
because you’ve already been through hell.
But I will see you soon.

You are all that my heart
ever wanted close.
But you fell apart
and I still chase your ghost.

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Publicerad 2016-03-05 23:33

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