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Cuckoldism - The Primitive Intellectual fetish choice

Cuckolding is rapidly emerging as the alt-sex fetish of choice for American intellectuals. --- Cuckolding attracts ‘the very highly educated’.

Jealousy, Block theorizes, is a social construct based on the notion that husbands own their wives, and is thus ‘much more recent, evolutionarily speaking, than the competition that turns guys on. That’s why it’s mostly intellectuals who are into cuckolding: because other guys are crippled by jealousy. They’re aroused and upset and don’t know why’.

- Anneli Rufus, “The Intellectual Sex Fetish”, The Daily Beast, 07.29.10

Övriga genrer (Pastisch/Hommage) av S.A.I. Steve Lando VIP
Läst 447 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2016-09-15 13:03

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Cuckoldism...Aha...som göken (the cuckoo bird) som lägger sina ägg i andras bon. Hm...och det skulle vara mer populärt bland intellektuella? Tja, inte vet jag? Det är väl helt okej, tycke jag, OM alla parter vet vad som försigår?


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vad betyder cuckold? är det detsamma som ståkuk?
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S.A.I. Steve Lando
S.A.I. Steve Lando VIP