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I am walking lonely through the night
I got no one here there are no one in sight
The streetlight guide my silent walk
If feels nice to be alone, I got no will to talk
I Got no message, I got nothing to say
Said it all during the day

I am waiting for the morning to come
The sunbeams warm kisses, I need some
So I walk the path to sunrice
It is a long walk but I don't stop, don't think twice
It is dark in November
Almost hard to remember
How bright the days can really be
When long shadows cover all of me

When I reach the morning all will be fine
Once more I will be bright, I will shine
Or is it an illusion am I chasing a dream
It doesn’t matter, my mind silently screams
I Know now when morning comes I must do one more thing
I must continue to walk, at least until spring

Bunden vers (Rim) av Eugen VIP
Läst 230 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2016-10-12 21:50

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Eugen VIP