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False lights and naked nights


Hej night,
Hello night.
My nackedness.
It's as if for centuries I've looked up at bright sky and dreaming of night.
It’s as if for centuries, in the shadow of sun, I am trying to remember the kindness of moon!
I am trying to remember the kindness of the moon
It's like as if for centuries .......
Condemned to the heartless light of the sun; I wonder, why are they all, talking of Daylights?
I wonder; how the day became the symbol of rise?
I wonder; how our days became endless and the sun, stepped on our most intimate nights...
Heartbroken I am.
Heartbroken of missing all those nacked nights, that I could be me and sing my nacked songs to the stars...
And now
Condemned to stay in sun...
Blinded by all false lights
Condemned to these endless sunny days and sun

I wish I could scream again
Hello night
Hello night.

One day, I will step on the sun...

Fri vers (Fri form) av Kei
Läst 161 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-06-15 16:55

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