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Dreams of a nomad dark

I found myself reeling in my sleep
Torn between shadow fragments
blazing across cascades and currents
The fragments iridescently formed shapes of a figure
Withered images of a nomad who had come to see me

You had stepped in as the shadows formed you
Silently, you were sitting in the far side of my room
I will perhaps never know what you thought of my place
But there was a strange smile on your face as you began recounting events
Tales that were sometimes simple and sometimes intricate

As small ships sailed over my floor
I realised I looked at your dreams
Who were made into wood, sail and crew members
with every word you spoke

I saw lashes on lucid air
and symbols I could not understand
I know you have suffered
I know you have fled from things I cannot fathom

But I hear untold wisdom in your words
I see your doubt as you speak, and suddenly it dawns on me:

I am not sure you are not aware of the ships
Those you are creating with your words
The lashes are not in your field of view
But they have shaped the shadows
that made you able to travel here through dreams

I dream tonight of a nomad dark
But tomorrow I shall think of the nomad birthed
through thorns, blood and dreams.

Fri vers av Andreas Rylander
Läst 184 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2018-08-11 04:13

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Andreas Rylander